
About Kevin Jackson

Welcome to Heart and Soul Healing, My name is Kevin Jackson.

I am from Alberta Canada. For the majority of my life I have been searching for ways to grow into self-love and spiritual growth.


Throughout the years I have been trying to find a way to love myself and to be happy with the way that I am. In my childhood I was raised in a protestant home going to church on a regular bases. Sadly it did not matter how much I tried to do the people in the church could not accept me for who I was. And I would be pressured into trying to change to fit in with what they believed.

After many years of struggling, I decided to explore my own inner spiritual existence and ways to heal sacred wounds that I had sustained over my lifetime. In 2013, I came across a class on How to Access the Akashic Records using The Pathway Prayer ProcessĀ© by Dr. Linda Howe.

Through these past years I have been studying and exploring my own Akashic Records as well as other people.

I am a Certified Practitioner, Healer, Visionary and Elite Certified Teacher through the Center For Akashic Studies. I now travel through Western Canada teaching the four Certification workshops, How to Read the Akashic Records Practitioners Certification, Advanced Practitioners Certification, Healing Through the Akashic Records, and Discover Your Soul’s Destiny through the Akashic Records. I have also developed a one-day workshop call Empowering the Akashic Lightworker.

I have done hundreds of readings spanning the globe. It has been a privilege and I am excited to continue helping people around the world find a perspective from their soul level truth.

In 2003 I became a Reiki practitioner. Working with the Reiki energy as well as my connection with crystals has led me to become an Usui Reiki Master as well as a Crystal Reiki Master.


It is through the Akashic Records that I have been able to explore and grow into self acceptance and self-love. It is my firm belief that the unconditional love that the Akashic Records have to offer is the greatest healing opportunity that this universe has to offer. There are to many people that suffer from all kinds of abuse and trauma. Sacred wounds, ancestral patterns and past lives can all have an effect how we view and experience this human existence. Through these experiences we are given an opportunity to see our own perfection and eternal self-love.


My goal is to teach as many people as possible, the technique of accessing their own Akashic records. I believe that having the ability to access your records can help to have a greater awareness with your connection with the divine and your true perfection. This allows you to experience your souls path through life with more ease and grace. This is an unlimited resource of information that is given with unconditional love and non-judgment.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Akashic Blessings

Kevin Jackson

23 thoughts on “About Kevin Jackson

  • Rhonda Gibson

    Dear Kevin,
    I met you tonight at the Divine Golden Circle. I am very excited about the workshop and would love to come. Could you please provide the details, date, time, how much? Thank you
    Love Light and Blessings

    • Hello Rhonda
      What a great meeting that was. I sent you a email.

  • Patricia Gibb

    Hello Kevin
    I am interested in taking this Akashic reading class with Linda Howe. I had requested how much is the fee for a retake as I took it with Holy Marwood last year. Your response a few weeks ago was that the retake was $100?? is this for Linda’s course?

    • I will send you a email clarifying which class Linda Howe is teaching.

  • Marlene

    Please confirm you live in Hamilton, Ontario and if you do, where would you do an Akashic reading? I live in Hamilton and am interested in having one. Many thanks.

    • admin

      I live in Alberta Canada, We can do readings on Zoom or on the phone if you like.

  • Joanne Alexander

    I was just made aware of your gifts and wish to book in a few weeks. I am leaving today for equine assisted psychotherapy training and will be back in 10 days. How do I prepare for a session?

    • admin

      Once you have an appointment for a reading I will send in a information document.

    • admin

      I will continue to learn more and share more. I am holding classes where ever anyone wants to develop their spiritual awareness.

  • Ellen Suzanne Lee

    Hello, Kevin.

    I am interested in the November 8-10, 2019 class. I was wondering if there is still room in the class and if so, if you could direct me to area hotels. I am from the US and haven’t traveled in the to your area before so would appreciate a recommendation or two. I will also look at flights and pull that all together to see if I can manage the trip at this time.

    Many thanks!

    • Thank-you for your comment, I sent you a email.

  • An After thought Kevin,
    With all this business of the Covid 19 virus going on, is the in person workshop for March still happening?
    I can’t seem to figure out the venue and if it’s in Edmonton how to register.

    • Hello Anupma, because of the self-isolation all in-person classes are canceled. The March class that was supposed to be in Edmonton is online. So you can do it from the comfort of your home. We will be covering all the same material and doing the same exercises as we would normally do. You will also receive a Certificate for the course. To register you just fill out and submit the form below the description of the course. Thank you for asking for clarification and I look forward to seeing you in the course.

  • Tracey

    I am very intereted in taking your courses but I have some questions.
    Would you please get in touch with me?


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