Manifesting Your Destiny through the Akashic Records

A Certification Course with

Dr. Linda Howe

Comments on the Class

I loved taking Manifesting our Soul’s Purpose.  My main take away from the course was:Can I love myself even though my journey through my first twenty years was not the supportive upbringing that my soul would have liked?Can I love myself even though I chose to deliver more food to by body than it desired?Can I love myself even though I made a poor choice in a marriage partner?Can I love myself even though I did not nourish my children in a manner that would have benefited them better?
…and I could go on and on.  However, all learning opportunities for my soul to grow and learn forgiveness to myself and acceptance of myself in spite of all my flaws and to be able to honestly say “Yes I can love myself unconditionally even though..”  
Using the Akashic Records is a very beautiful, soul nurturing tool.
I am so grateful to Linda for bringing it to us and for you for following your heart and bringing this to us.
Best regards,Mary

The photos bring back powerful thoughts around the Akashic course.  The course shifted my perspective of my day to day life.  The Akashic has become a powerful tool to look in at the present moment, not “what’s next?”.  I now have problem-solving tools to peel off layers of old stories and thought patterns to ultimately align with my soul purpose.  Day to day activities have become more extraordinary and flow with a special grace. 
Thank you, Linda, for your authentic presence throughout the course and your steadfastness in holding space for all 54 of us.  It was an honor and joy to get to know you through your stories and teaching.  Your teaching is a truth arrow finding its mark!
Thank you, Kevin, for creating the energy to bring Linda to Canada for the first time, for looking after every detail and our individual well being during the course.  It is a joy to know you.
Blessings and joy,Diane

Going back into my second Akashic Records Course was just what I needed. I have had so many, many manifestations coming true right after I have taken the Manifesting Your Destiny through the Akashic Records Course. I am very, very GRATEFUL for Dr. Linda Howe. I cannot wait to meet her again and become an Akashic Records Teacher. THANK YOU so much to Kevin Jackson for all the wonderful support and love. Hiy! Hiy! (Plains Cree Tribe word for “thank you Creator”).  J.S

I can not tell you how mind blowing this course was. The amount of life changing information we received will take me a while to process. Dr. Linda Howe is the best teacher ever. She tells the fumiest stories about her life that I can relate to and apply to my life. She answered every question that anyone had and made sure you understood the everything she was teaching. I can not wait to take the next class with her. I highly recommend anyone that has a chance to take an in-person class with her.

Thank you so so much for organizing this event, it was truly life changing. I’m forever grateful for your passionate commitment in this incredible field of work! M.

May 17, 18 & 19 Edmonton Alberta Canada

For the first time ever, Dr. Linda Howe is coming to Canada and she will be teaching her very latest work: Manifesting Your Destiny through the Akashic Records.


You know you’re meant for something greater.

Are you ready for your gifts to be recognized and enjoyed? Is it finally time to clear the blocks holding you back from participating wholeheartedly in life? Discover for yourself the immense value of seeing and knowing yourself through the unconditionally loving lens of your Soul — the Akashic Records. After that, nothing is the same!

Your awesome opportunity as an awakening individual is to envision your Destiny, recognize your Soul’s Intentions, and then, bring your Inspired Purposes to Life. This is the lifetime to embrace the freedom that allows you to make the fulfilling contributions held deep in your heart.

This is your chance to study in person with Dr. Linda Howe, the world’s foremost authority on using the Akashic Records, the vibrational archive of all souls, for personal empowerment and transformation. This class is based on her very latest exploratory work in the Records.

On the 10th anniversary of Dr. Linda Howe’s breakthrough book, How to Read the Akashic Records, she is gifting a free, personally autographed copy to every registered student.

To receive Certification, attendance is required at all sessions. As a prerequisite to the class, you are required to read Discover Your Soul’s Path through the Akashic Records by Dr. Linda Howe available through Amazon or your local bookstore.

Friday Evening: How to Read Your Own Akashic Records

* Discover What the Akashic Records are – And Why It Matters
* Examine the Organization of the Records
* Learn How to Engage Effectively in the Records, Using Linda’s Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akasha©, for Your Personal Growth and Transformation
* Find Out What You Can Expect from a Conscious, Co-creative Connection with Your Own Records
* Embark upon Your Own Spiritual Practice Working in your Records

Saturday Morning: The Compelling Power of Our Soul’s Purposes

* The Soul’s Spiritual Nature
* The Unchanging “Blueprint” of Your Soul: Who You Are as an Expression of the Divine – Your Ultimate Destiny
* Identifying Your Soul’s Purposes
* Akashic Manifesting: What It is and How to Get There

Saturday Afternoon: Clearing Blocks to Experiencing and Expressing Your Soul’s Purposes

* Exercises to Move You from Limitation to Liberation
* Freedom from the #1 Obstacle: Grievances Against the Self
* Healing the Birth/Death Traumas That Are Delaying Your Success

On Saturday Evening, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, we will host a public book signing, where all of Dr. Howe’s books will be available for purchase or you can bring your own copies for her to sign.

Sunday Morning: The Akashic Approach to Robust Manifesting

* Prosperity, Abundance, and Money through the Akashic Lens
* Supercharging your Manifesting with the Dynamic Duo of Acceptance and Service
* Top 10 Clues to Your Soul’s Purposes

Sunday Afternoon: Perpetual Growth and Manifestation for Infinite Beings

* Balancing Your Inner Triangle of Heart, Mind & Will to Activate Inspired Results
* How to Make Invigorating, Illuminating Choices for Your Manifestation
* Your Soul’s Purposes, Your Destiny, and Your Fulfillment
* You – A Spiritual Being in a Material World – Experiencing, Expressing, and Enjoying Yourself and Your Life!


About Dr. Linda Howe

Dr. Linda Howe is the leading expert specializing in using the Akashic Records for personal empowerment and consciousness development. By making her Pathway Prayer Process© freely available to all, she became the first person to bring access to the Records, the energetic archive of souls, to the world community.

A teacher in the field since 1996, Linda founded the Center for Akashic Studies in 2001. Her comprehensive, inspired curriculum has been revealed to her through her relationship with the Akasha and refined through her work with thousands of students over the years. Through her in-person and online classes and award-winning books, she shares optimal ways to tap into the eternal wisdom of the soul for practical application in everyday life.

Linda’s books include the ground-breaking How to Read the Akashic Records, Healing through the Akashic Records, and Discover Your Soul’s Path through the Akashic Records. She is currently writing a book on Manifesting. Linda holds a Doctorate in Spiritual Studies with a specialty in the Akashic Records from Emerson Theological Institute.



Your Investment for the Course

Early Bird $800 CND$ ($577 US) before April 15, 2019

Regular $950 CND$ ($685 US) after April 15, 2019

Special offer: Bring a Friend and save $50 CND$

Option: Make three payments of $325 CND$ each by May 11, 2019. Note: there is a $25 service charge.

All sales are final and there will be no returns or exchanges.



Executive Royal Hotel 
Edmonton Airport in the Piper Ballroom

There is a block of rooms that you can book with rates starting from $99 for a 1 King or 2 Queen Room. Just mention “Heart and Soul Healing” to receive this special rate which is for call-in reservations only.

For room reservations, you can book online or call: Executive Royal Hotel
Direct: 1-888-202-3770
Reservations: 1-888-388-3932 8450 Sparrow Drive Leduc, AB

This hotel is just a 3-minute shuttle ride from the Edmonton International Airport or a 10-minute drive from Edmonton.


2 thoughts on “Manifesting Your Destiny through the Akashic Records

  • Dear Dr Linda,

    With interest to your wonderful work on the Akashic records !
    I am Extremely interested in attending your work shop –

    Manifesting Your Destiny through the Akashic Records
    A Certification Course with
    Dr. Linda Howe
    May 17, 18 & 19 Edmonton Alberta Canada

    * However I do reside in the England in United Kingdom !

    * PLEASE Advise me whether you may have any plans to host Akashic Workshops
    in Europe or the United Kingdom in 2019 ?

    Thanking you
    Awaiting your favourable reply
    Kindest regards
    Mr mark Anderson
    Mobile:. +44 07581285020

    • admin

      Hello Mark
      I forwarded your comment to Linda Howe’s office so they can tell you her schedule.

      With Gratitude
      Kevin Jackson


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